Tuesday 17 November 2015


If you had good intentions
Why you did never
Carry a condom,
The happiness of live sex
Is pregnancy
When it was played safe.

'Cause people ain't ready
To talk about the STIs,
The STIs does not only destroy
Your body,
But can also destroy your minds.

The one can have you
Scratching, punching and wrecking your brains,
No reminiscences but only fear, regrets and questions;
Was I not good for her
That is why she served me
A rotten Vagina?
Or was I not a proper man
To watch the visions in her eyes?

I Wish, I listened more to the bubbling, and thumps
Of her Vagina, Her heartbeats,
I wouldn't dance the flamingo.
I wish I could listen to her more often,
Realize her views
When she said; My body is my temple,
Cum in safe....
But then, deception buried preception into questions;
Was she clean like a temple
Or she lied and layed her legs to me
And she liked someone else?

He said;
I looked into mother's stomach,
I wonder if you are a boy or a girl!
Turning this woman's womb into a tomb,
But she and I agree,
A sees we don't need
You would have been much more than a mouth to feed,
But someone I would have fed this information
I read,
To someone my life for you
I would have had to leave,
Instead I led you to death.